Workplace Motivation and Game Mechanics

I manage a crew of about 5 programmers at work. During our performance reviews this year, I asked each of them how I could do my job as a manager better. One of them, in a bit of much-appreciated candor, said that motivation was one of his biggest challenges, and that he would be grateful for anything I could do to help.

This guy — let’s call him Ivan — is a capable programmer, and does good work, but (like all of us) sometimes has a tough time overcoming inertia and focusing on the task at hand. Interestingly, Ivan is also a World of Warcraft player. (World of Warcraft is an online Role Playing Game where hundreds of thousands of people play together in a shared, computer-based fantasy world.) One of the interesting characteristics of  online RPG’s like World of Warcraft is that they often require one to do a lot of repetetive,  mundane tasks to gain in-game experience and thereby increase your character’s prowess. This is referred to as “level grinding”.

When one is “grinding,” one isn’t doing it for the satisfaction of the task being performed, but for an extrinsic reward of some kind that keeps players at it. In the case of online RPG’s, the reward is an improved character (with a higher level or improved skills), better equipment, the chance to participate in more challenging gameplay, or bragging rights among one’s game-playing peers. Ultima Online, the RPG on which I used to work, would allow the player to link to a web page that showed off her character with her honorifics and arrayed in all her finery.

This sense of accomplishment is one of the things that makes computer games so compelling for many people. In the early days of arcades, the chance to put one’s initials on the High Score list on Tempest was often as big a draw as the gameplay itself. We liked the sense of competition and achievement that list of scores brought with it. More recently, Microsoft did something very clever when they introduced the XBox 360: every game for the system has “Accomplishments” that earn “Gamer Points”. People who play for fun will inevitably rack up a certain number of these, but in order to maximize one’s Gamer Score, one has to again do things that aren’t inherently enjoyable: search out every pigeon in a vast virtual city (and shoot them all), get through a level without firing a gun once, or breed 200 worm-shaped piñatas. One can then put a “Gamer Badge” on one’s website or on Facebook to show the world what you have accomplished as an XBox player. This system has been so successful that Sony has recently copied it for the Playstation 3, introducing a “Trophy” system to the platform with their most recent software update.

So as I looked at all these different mechanisms that games use to take gameplay that might otherwise be uninteresting and make it appealing, I wondered if something similar could be applied to work. After all, try as we might to make the office interesting and enjoyable place to be, the fact remains: if we have to pay somebody to do something, it’s probably not inherently much fun. (There are a lot more musicians who will perform gratis than there are accountants who will do your taxes for no charge.) As I mulled this over, several possible systems came to mind:

  1. Keeping Score: the simplest approach is that of the arcade games of yore: you get points when you do something good, and try to get the highest score within a given period, say a week or a month. (“Something good” for work purposes might be completing one’s timesheet, successfully fixing a bug, dealing with a support call, or presenting at a conference. Each would have a different point value based on its value to the business and degree of difficulty.) This system has the advantage that it provides pretty quick feedback, and that new folks and people who have worked at a job for a while are on a fairly level playing field. The biggest failing of this approach is that a single score doesn’t tell anything about what things one is doing to rack up the points, so one has less motivation to expand one’s skills than to simply concentrate on areas where one already has facility.
  2. Classes & Levels: As with the Keeping Score approach, one is awarded “Experience Points” for doing something good. These points are tallied and, when one has accumulated enough, redeemed for “levels” in various classes. For example, after completing a performance review and a month of development work, I might be a “Programmer Level 3; Bureaucrat Level 2”. Levels generally become geometrically more difficult to attain as they get higher, so a new employee would “Level Up” more often than someone who had been working at a given job for a long while. This provides a more nuanced view of what sort of work someone is doing and maps more directly to a traditional RPG mechanic.
  3. Achievements: With this approach, one has a list of specific tasks to accomplish. For programmers, this might include things like “fix your first bug”, “check in 10 changes to our source control system”, or “get a patch accepted by one of the open-source projects we use.” One accumulates achievements over time, and can see a list of which ones have been accomplished, and which ones are still out there waiting for further efforts. (The requirements for a given achievement can also be kept secret until it’s unlocked.) The advantage with this approach is that one is encouraged to stretch one’s wings and try new sorts of tasks. Unfortunately, it lacks any kind of aggregate view of one’s progress.

At this point, I’m thinking that a hybrid of and #3 might be the best for an office. Each person would have an overall score — perhaps cumulative, or perhaps reset monthly — which would be increased accordingly whenever one did something constructive. In addition, one could unlock achievements by doing specific things. Those achivements would then go on one’s record, and would also provide an extra boost to one’s score.

Whatever system we used would need to have a few specific features:

  1. As much of it as possible would have to be automatic. Nobody wants to spend all day tallying scores, so it would be important to tie much of this to our existing systems and have them add points without human involvement. Some things, like points for helping a coworker, will inevitably require human tallying, but these should ideally be the exception.
  2. Part of the fun of accomplishment is being able to show off what you’ve done. We would need to be able to publish the information on scores and accomplishments various ways: website badges, added to our Twitter Status Board, screen savers, etc.

I’d really like to hear from people on what they think of this idea. Is it something you would enjoy having around your office? Do you think it would help with motivation? Do you think any particular mechanic would be a more effective motivator than another? I’m still brainstorming on all of this at the moment, so would welcome any diverse input folks might have on the subject. Thanks for anything you can contribute!

UPDATE: As I’ve been giving this more thought, another mechanic came to mind that I think would be worthwhile. In the game Team Fortress 2, each player is given a score for the match. The points, however, are earned in various categories, and those categories tracked individually. This results in a lot more affirmation, as even if one had a relatively poor game, it might still be your best performance as a sniper, or the most points you’ve earned by healing other players. Being able to lump work points into various categories could easily result in similar kinds of encouragement when they are tallied: “You earned 625 points this month, which is lower than your personal monthly best of 1027. However, you earned 400 points for helping coworkers, eclipsing your previous best of 150 points!”

Twitter Status Board

Several months ago, I noticed that one of the nearby offices was using a whiteboard mounted outside their office door to keep people informed of their comings and goings. “That’s good communication!” I thought to myself, “but my team is made up of geeks. Surely we can do something nerdier!”

Thus was born an experiment with Twitter that is yielding some good results. It began with our six-person development team: programmers who were interested in participating set up a twitter account and began posting what they were up to through the day. We subscribed to each other’s updates and easily keep a finger on the pulse of the team’s activity. (This was especially helpful when working off-site or stuck in meetings.) In addition to the standard Twitter functionality, we also wrote a little Rails app that uses Twitter’s APIs to build a replacement for the old-style In-Out board. People can pull up the status screen from a web browser or look at a monitor we stuck in the window of one of our cubicles to see at a glance who was around and what they were up to:

Status Board In Situ

Status Board In Situ

After a month of voluntary participation, we had a meeting to discuss whether it was worth keeping up, and decided that the minimal effort required to improve our communication was well-spent. We’ve been using the system regularly for several months now. (One interesting side-effect that I’ve noticed is that it helps me to keep on task a little better: when I post that I’m working on ticket #726, I feel a little guilty if I’m not actually working on it!)

Of course, people walking by quickly noticed the screen and asked whether it could be expanded to include other people as well. At my boss’ requenst, we put together another status screen for use at the department’s front desk, where the people there can quickly ascertain whether a call can be transferred or a visitor directed back to someone’s office. It looks like this (with strategic blurring to protect the unwitting):

Front Desk Status

Front Desk Status

The color-coding is done by preceding a status update with “IN:”, “OUT:”, or “OFF:” (for those times you’re working but not at your desk), a feature of our status board app. While some of the folks around the department were initially a bit skeptical, they have quickly become enthusiastic once they use it for a day or two. The front-desk folks decided that they’d rather have timestamps than the “x hours ago” notation we’d originally used, so we tweaked the app to better meet their needs.

We’re still refining our software (I need to make the caching smarter), there are at least two other Status Board applications under development in the department (using Javascript and FLEX), and I now quickly hear about it if something goes wrong with the system. It should be interesting to see where this thing goes over the next few months! (If there’s interest, I can clean up the Rails code and open-source it once I finish the caching improvements.)

I’m a Mythical Beast

And it’s not just my wife who says so.

When I’m going to take a day off from work, I email our team to let them know I’ll be out. Here’s a recent missive:

Hey y’all,

I’m planning to take Friday off as a sanity day and to strip down, don the
headdress of the fabled jackelope, and beat a drum in a sweat lodge in the
woods for a while while shuffling around the smoky fire in ritual native
american dance.

Or maybe just enjoy a book and some tacos. Either way.

Laura, one of our awesome graphic designers, responded with this:

May the spirits guide you on your journey

Sean as Jackelope

Sean as Jackelope

Truly, I work with some amazing people.

High Ed Web 2008

I’m currently at the High Ed Web 2008 conference in Springfield, MO. The conference is geared to web professionals in Higher Education, and is an interesting combination of marketers, technical folk, and the occasional vendor. There’s lots of good information to be had (as well as an immense amount of equally good food — who suspected that “travel is broadening” should be taken literally?), and all of us who are attending are getting a lot out of it.

Yesterday afternoon, James, Jeff and I did our planned presentation: University-Wide CMS Implementation: Failure, then Success. We had a lot of fun with it, taking a pretty irreverent approach to the history of our CMS project, and using some cool 3D timeline software to present our information in an interesting way.

Conference attendees have been using Twitter to communicate about the conference pretty extensively, so I told people at the start of our presentation that I wanted them to help me make all the people in other sessions feel as bad as possible for missing ours. Toward that end, I encouraged them to post the most outrageous lies about our presentation they could think of. Here’s the Twitter chatter that was posted during our presentation:

  • jesseclark: I have recieved more temp tattos in the past two days than the last 10 years!
  • tonydunn: live mexican wrestling in SAC4 session! AWESOME!!
  • stomer: Admiring the wrestling masks at SAC4
  • carlenek: SAC4, CMS Failure then success. They just gave each of us $5!!
  • stomer: In unison “politics”
  • stomer: “Uploading images has more steps than AA”
  • tonydunn: massive EPIC FAIL… what a story! if you ain’t in SAC4 ur missing it
  • tonydunn: @pberry blackops meetings… sounds like us 🙂
  • stomer: Another plug for adding content best practices along with CMS training
  • tonydunn: ‘brand the service, not the product’ – excellent advice!

I’m having a great time getting to enjoy some of my work friends in a more social setting than usual, as well as meeting people from other Universities and Colleges around the country, getting to see Springfield, and taking photos with team members in luchador masks in front of local landmarks. We have another day and a half of conference to go, after which I’m looking forward to the chance to meet up with my Uncle Rick and some old friends who also live in the area.

Sidenote: before leaving for the trip, I told the kids that I was going to Springfield for a conference. “Cool!” said Liam. “You’ll get to meet the Simpsons!” I launched into an explanation of the fact that one of the running gags on the show is that they don’t ever let on where Springfield actually is, and how in the movie Ned Flanders points to the four adjacent states, Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky, which are of couse widely spread. Thus I wouldn’t actually get to meet the Simpsons, because the Springfield they live in is a fictional construct, not the one in Missouri.

Ten minutes later it occurred to me that I would also not get to meet them because they’re cartoons.

Yep, I’m a dork.

QA Engineer Needed

Hi all! Hideo, our superb QA guy up at work, is heading back to Japan at the end of this month, and we need to find someone to fill his shoes. If you’re interested in web application development and/or software quality assurance, please check out the listing I’ve posted on Craig’s List. Thanks!

IT Staff Appreciation Breakfast

Just back from the IT Staff Appreciation Breakfast. A few notable awards:

All that, and breakfast too. (No burritos, but one can’t hope for perfection on this earth.)

What I Want for Lunch

Feeling feisty, and not a little obnoxious, this morning, I responded thusly when asked what I thought should be on the menu for an upcoming retreat at work:

I would like the finest lobster, hand harvested by Poseidon and his entourage of mermaids and cooked to perfection by Maine’s top chefs (flown here for the occasion) with a side of mixed field greens grown in the dirt scraped off of Jerry Garcia by groupies during the time he toured with the Grateful Dead. Belgian chocolates for dessert, delivered on horseback by a Lady Godiva impersonator.

Or a sandwich. Either way.

Ron-A-Thon 2007

The head of our department organized a Halloween Hamburger social for this afternoon. One of my friends, Kevin Huffaker — artist, mischief maker, and all around really nice guy — decided that this should be the year of the first annual Ron-A-Thon. The idea behind the Ron-A-Thon is to get as many people as possible to dress like Ron Akin, a venerable and much-loved figure within our department. Ron is tall, affable, and sports a long white ponytail and a self-imposed uniform of a long-sleeve white button-down shirt, dark blue jeans and open-toed sandals, and is thus ripe for imitation.

The Ron-A-Thon was a glorious success, with about a dozen people taking part, most with extravagant wigs, and all with the requisite combination of clothing. The trophy that Kevin had crafted — essentially a Ron action figure — was deemed too wonderful to award to a single individual, so Ron decreed that it should go to a public place for the enjoyment of all.

Photos from the event are here. Enjoy!

Ron-A-Thon 2007

Tattoos & Weblogs

In our continued branding extravaganza, I bought 5,000 temporary tattoos featuring our Gato Project logo, suitable for handing out in training classes, distributing at parties, etc. We used, who did a superb job creating them. Here’s me proudly modeling one of them:

Gato Tattoo

In other work news, we’re starting up a technical weblog where we’ll be detailing some of the technical aspects of our work. If you’re interested in technical stuff, especially web application development, come on by!

The Origin of the Species

A few folks have asked about my recent purchase of luchador masks at work. Fazia has posted an excellent explanation over at her blog. (There are more photos on Facebook for those who just can’t get enough of knowledge workers dressed as wrestlers. Ooh, and is still available! I’ll make millions…)