Baylor Sing 2007

Last weekend, thanks to Kathy’s willingness to hold the fort, I was able to make my way up to Waco for Baylor’s All-University Sing, a huge show that fraternities, sororities, and other student organizations put on every year and for which my good friends Jason and Barry arrange nearly all the music, in addition to playing in the pit band and building some of the props. Kathy and I went for the first time last year and had a superb time of it, so I was understandably keen to get back. (As I told my boss, “You haven’t lived until you’ve been in a room with thousands of baptists hopped up on sugar and adrenaline seeing their friends go crazy Broadway style!”)

I took off work a bit early to get up there in time, and had to sweet-talk my way past one of the door-guards to get in and find Jason. (“See that guy in the orchestra with a cell phone in his ear? He has my ticket!”) We connected up about 15 minutes before the show began, and he introduced me to Matt, with whom I’d be sitting and who had kindly offered to give me a place to sleep that night. Before long, the lights dimmed, Jason sprinted for the pit, and Matt and I settled in to enjoy the spectacular show.

Matt, as it turns out, is working on his PhD in physics, with a focus on String Theory and Quantum Physics. Our conversation quickly took a technical turn as we talk about his research and programming and simulation concepts. During one of the 6 minute lulls between acts, we had this conversation:

I wonder how many calories were just expended on that stage.
I’ll bet we could figure it out.
Oh, totally. There were, what, about 80 people on stage?
That sounds about right. And at a good exercise heart rate — say 150 beats per minute or so — people expend about 900 calories an hour.
Good, so since the acts are about 9 minutes long, we’ll call it 100 calories/person over the course of the act for easy math, so about 8,000 calories per act.
And for 19 acts, the total would be…ummm…152,000 calories per night, not counting the orchestra or the stage crew.
That sounds just about right. Excellent!
Sean & Matt
[Satisfied pause]

We are really big nerds.
Oh yeah. Totally. [beat] And the next stage, of course, is to figure out how much arable land would be required to meet the caloric needs of the show…

After the performance wrapped up, we went to Cricket’s for some chow and a debrief of the show. We told Jason and Barry which acts we liked the best, laughed together about some of the little musical tricks and jokes they’d worked into the arrangements, and recounted highs and horrors of years past. Between the brilliant company and the good food and brew, this was the best part of the evening for me. We then retired to Matt’s house where we talked and banged through a bit of Shadow of the Colossus, a beautiful Playstation game, before falling exhaustedly to sleep. It was a superb time, and left me grateful for such engaged and hospitable friends.

Jason’s blurb on this year’s sing is here.

RailsConf 2007

I’m booked to go to Portland for RailsConf in May. Though I wasn’t able to arrange to travel by train, which would have made it that much better (both because I enjoy traveling behind a locomotive and for the silly pun), I am looking forward immensely to the opportunity to meet a couple of people who I have known only through the Internet: Mark, with whom I’ve sparred, corresponded, and cultivated a friendship over the past half decade, and Seth, for whom I used to work at Macrobyte Resources and with whom I’ve also enjoyed a long, varied and fruitful correspondence over a similar span.

If any of the rest of you are going to be in Portland or know of anything I should make a point of not missing while I’m there, please drop a note!

Open Congress Now…err, Open

I’ve been beta testing Open Congress off and on for a couple of months, and now that they’re open, want to point all of you Americans over that direction. The folks there have created a dynamite source of information on the goings-on in Washington, including pages for every bill in the Senate and the House, each Senator and Representative, and pages for Committees, Issues, and more. Even better, there are RSS feeds for each, making it really easy to track a bit of interesting legislation or to see what your Senator has been up to lately. It’s a fantastic window into what’s going on in our Federal Government, and which I hope is mimicked for each of the states now that there’s such a fine model upon which to build.

So Much to Say

Sorry for the spare updates of late, gentle readers. When life gets full, the weblog gets empty. Here’s what’s been going on:

  • The most significant event of late has been Mom McMains going in for neurosurgery to deal with an aneurism. Her operation was a week ago — on Valentine’s Day, ironically. She’s recovering nicely and is feeling good; the doctors are very pleased with how everything went. Thanks to all the support from those of you who have been in the know about this.
  • Daniel and his dear wife Fanny completed their emigration from Canada and have taken up residence with us. As they are two of my favorite people, I couldn’t be more pleased to have them around, though we haven’t gotten to spend as much time with them as I’d like yet.
  • We welcomed Seth, Adam and Celeste’s first child, into the world. He’s a beautiful and sanguine baby who his folks are enjoying and doting on a great deal. His room, which features a wraparound tropical undersea mural with special rippling water lighting effects, is the most beautiful nursery I’ve ever laid eyes on. Congratulations, proud parents!
  • We’ve been beset by illnesses of various description. The low point in all of that was Wednesday two weeks ago. I had already been home two days with Maggie who was on a vomiting jag. Then Emily started feeling bad, so I had to go get her from school. (Aside: it’s interesting to watch the progression of illness in children. When Maggie first started throwing up, she wasn’t quite sure what was going on and was somewhat frightened by the process: “Daddy, I don’t feel good. Daddy! DADDY! BLEEEAAARGHH!” By the end of the two days, she had become so used to it that she barely interrupted what she was doing: “Daddy, can I watch BLEEEAAARAGHHH! Cinderella, please? And have a cookie?”)

    A few days earlier, Kathy had made arrangements to watch the older of a friend’s two boys. Realizing that they might not want him exposed to the Black Death that was marching steadily through our house, she gave them a call to give them the opportunity to make other arrangements if they wished. “Well, we don’t have any other options at this point, so we’ll have to take that risk. And, by the way, our plans for our younger son fell through — could we send him over as well?” Their two boys arrived right after school, bringing our count of children up to six, a third of whom were incapacitated with illness. What could make it better? Why, Kathy getting sick too, of course! Her illness progressed rapidly from feeling a little funny to leaking every bodily fluid imaginable (and a few that weren’t) in the shower while shouting with all the strength her disease-wracked body could muster “I’m going to die!”

    And as the final bit of icing on the cake, I got one of my vision-imparing migraines. Thus, if you had been so unfortunate as to walk past our house and glance in the window, you would have heard Kathy’s anguished wails from the bathroom accompanied by the sight of me stumbling over and through the furniture as I raced half-blind around the house with assorted buckets and pitchers trying to catch the vomit and worse pouring out of various people while simultaneously trying to persuade a half-dozen wound-up kids that yes, it really is time to sleep.

    Man, that was a good day.

Wheelchairs and Wiis

Random Items of Interest:

  • Maggie lost her first tooth! And by that evening, she’d lost it again. Fortunately, Liam found it for her, though not without three days of it being MIA. Thanks to her brother’s efforts, the Tooth Fairy was at last able to make a visit. (Fortunately, it wasn’t this version that dropped by.)
  • Kathy has torn back into school with a rabid vengeance. She’s really enjoying the opportunity to be challenging herself and learning at such a rate, and has taken advantage of the opportunity to sign up for some very interesting courses, including one in which she works with players of wheelchair rugby (or “Murderball”, as it is sometimes reassuringly known).

    As part of one of her assignments, the whole family went to a tournament last Sunday afternoon. It was pretty amazing to see these guys charging around, slamming into each other, talking smack, and making quite a show of it. I was particularly impressed by one fellow whose arms and legs were amputated just above the elbows and knees. I didn’t see how he would pull off playing, given that the game requires a bit of dribbling and a good deal of passing, but he had worked out a fascinating system of tossing the ball in front of him while moving quickly so that it would bounce back up to his lap or lobbing it a few inches into the air and giving it a mighty whack with one of his stumpy appendages. It was really a sight to behold.

    It was also fun to see Mark Zupan, one of the players who is featured in the excellent documentary on the sport.

  • Thanks to the awesome power of the Internet, I was finally able to successfully place on order for a Wii. If anybody out there is still trying to lay hands on one, I highly recommend the OuttaStock Wii Finder, which even includes a widget that you can float over the other windows on your computer to let you know if there are any in stock around the net.

    I expect I’ll post a mini-review on the Wii once it arrives and the various family members have put it through its paces. Until then, bated breath!

Space Banana

It is happening at last. Through millenia of human history, we have tackled progressively greater challenges, overcome increasingly difficult obstacles. From fire, to the wheel, to water power, to decent hygiene, to the iron horse, to nuclear energy, to electric toothbrushes, nothing has been able to stop our advance as a race.

And now, the pinnacle of our collective existence is finally coming to light: behold, the Geostationary Banana Over Texas, an art project in which a 300 meter lighter than air banana will be floated over the Lone Star state for a period of 2 months. You can bet that I’ll be out in the yard with binoculars in one hand and a banana split in the other, thanking God that I live in such a time as this.

via Fusion Reaction

Ultra Products Miserable Service

Timeline of my dealings with Ultra Products:

  • February: Built a PC with an Ultra Power Supply.
  • Mid-December: Power Supply Failed. Called Ultra. They shipped a replacement, indicating that I would both have a $60 charge on my credit card until I returned it and that I would be responsible for return shipping.
  • Christmas: Got the replacement power supply. Installed it. It failed 5 minutes later. Figuring it couldn’t be a 2nd faulty power supply, brought PC to repair center. Faulty power supply was confirmed. I bought a replacement (non-Ultra) power supply at the repair center which has been humming along just fine ever since.
  • Late December: Contacted Ultra. They wouldn’t pay for return shipping of the second power supply, nor would they send out another replacement until they’d received the first back. I mailed it to them with the understanding that they would send another replacement as soon as they got it.
  • January 9: Post office showed that Ultra received the unit.
  • January 10: Sent an email requesting the tracking number for the replacement supply. Got no response.
  • January 17: Sent another email requesting a status update and wondering why I still had an outstanding charge on my credit card. Got no response for this one either.
  • January 18: Credit was issued to my credit card. The promised second replacement was apparently never sent.

So, now I’m out $40 for the diagnostic visit to the shop, $10 for shipping, and $40 for a new power supply, and still don’t have a functioning replacement under their “lifetime warranty”. They’re definitely a company I’ll be avoiding in the future.

I Don't Think This is What Johnson & Johnson Had In Mind

Today was the 3rd day of what is looking like it will be a 4 day weekend, thanks to MLK Day and the ice storms, tornadoes, plagues of locust and rivers of blood that have been besieging our fair city recently. What to do when the family is cooped up indoors all day? We made card houses, raced Hot Wheels, played computer games, looked all the way through a big book of exotic trains, and still had half the day ahead of us. The surefire cure for boredom? Ordnance.

I had a 6′ length of aluminum tubing leftover from my adventures a year or two back trying to make wind chimes. The 1/4″ inner diameter made me think that it might make a spiff-dandy blowgun. For ammunition, I tried rolling paper into small cylinders at first, but they showed a frustrating tendency to get stuck in the pipe. Next I unearthed a small eye shadow applicator from one of the drawers in the kitchen. This worked pretty well for a time, but eventually began to break apart. Finally, we hit upon the perfect ammunition: a Q-Tip cut in half. The cotton on one end worked nicely as wadding to trap the air and force the shaft of the swab out of the barrel at high speed. (My inner crossing guard was also pleased that they were of very small weight, thus minimizing the damage that we could cause with them.)

After a bit of practice, Liam and I both got quite good with the things. We were able to hit a piece of paper from across the room (and put a hole in it). We also shot some of the plants outside, leaving them peppered with tiny cotton-tipped darts, and launched Q-Tips to the other side of the street from our front porch. We also shot up a Fresca can, leaving it dented and bruised:

Remember kids, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it’s still fun and games; you just can’t see it.

Dribs, Drabs, and Bits

Bullet points from my brain:

  • A tornado touched down here in San Marcos (!) yesterday. We’re all fine, concerned citizens of the Internet. Thanks for the cards, calls, and well-wishing.
  • We watched An Inconvenient Truth last night. It was interesting to me to note how closely the presentation style of Al Gore, who is on Apple’s board of directors, mirrors that of Steve Jobs (or vice versa). Oh, and it was an excellent, compelling film as well.
  • We had to get to church early this morning so that Kathy could help in the nursery. Since I don’t much care for chasing the kids around among the Sunday morning crowds, we walked over to the Alkek Libary, in which I work, to browse in hushed awe the literary delights therein.

    The children, upon seeing the assembled wisdom and knowledge the human race has accumulated over the last several millenia, turned to me with shining wonder in their eyes and said “HEY! Can we play hide and seek?”

    “Yeah, sure!” I said and raced off to hide. Liam and Maggie quickly found bits of furniture to cower beneath while I claimed a particularly inky pool of darkness between two rows of shelves as my own. I didn’t think that sprawling on the floor would be an especially effective hiding place, but was proven wrong after Abigail found the other kids. In the course of their charges up and down the aisles trying to locate me, Liam tripped over my feet and sprawled headlong across me, still not having noticed my presence until I became the unwitting cushion for his fall.

  • It occurred to me this morning that “When the moon hits your eye/like a big pizza pie/that’s amore!” is a very curious lyric, unless there are a rash of pizza-related blindings in Italy that we Americans seldom hear about. “Ah, I told-a Alfonso to always-a wear his safety goggles when-a passing by the pizzaria! His poor mama!” (This bit of racial stereotyping brought to you at no extra charge by the good people at Epithets R’ Us.)

My Year in Books

I’ve been tracking my reading pretty diligently on bibliofile this year. Here are a few interesting stats from my reading log for 2006:

Books Read: 35
Pages Read: 12,237
Average Pages per Book: 360
Shortest Book: 18 Pages (Dead Man, by Daniel Priest)
Longest Book: 992 Pages (Pandora’s Star, by Peter Hamilton)

Noteworthy reads:

The Transparent Society: A thought-provoking look at whether it will be possible to maintain any kind of privacy in the future and whether its loss would be a bad thing.

Digital Game-Based Learning: A really good introduction to and exploration of the use of computer games as teaching tools.

Flicker: This book had been out of print for ages, so I was thrilled to finally find a copy (in a new edition, no less) in a bookstore on a trip to Seattle. I was even more excited to see on the cover of the new edition that Darren Aronofsky is on tap to do a film version. Engaging novel, though quite dark.

Blue Like Jazz: Lovely and engaging account of how the author, who has a superb, honest writing voice, comes to the Christian faith. An especially good read for those who are drawn to Christ but have difficulty with the church.

Dead Man: I’m not generally a huge fan of poetry, but I find Daniel’s stuff riveting. More of his work is on his weblog.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay: A super novel, chock full of friendship, adventure, love, plans gone amok, wrongs righted. Well worth the time.

The Natural House: I’ve developed an interest in green building this year. Chiras’ book provides a nice, high-level introduction to the subject, covering a variety of different techniques and systems.

Everything Bad is Good for You: Of all the books I read this year, I probably mentioned this one to other people the most. Johnson’s premise is that the pop culture that is often decried as empty amusement has actually become much more intellectually demanding over time and is, to some degree, making people smarter. Thought-provoking stuff.

The Sparrow: An compelling science-fiction novel in form, it explores the themes of God’s will and how we relate to it in a really affecting way.

Pandora’s Star and Judas Unchained: The biggest, baddest space opera one could ever hope for. Hamilton keeps the whole story impressively engaging throughout its 1800 page span.