15th Anniversary Weekend

Kathy and I spent this past weekend down in San Antonio to celebrate our 15th anniversary. We had considered traveling farther afield in recognition of the significance of the milestone, but after recently replacing both our van and our home’s air conditioning system, we decided that something more modest would be in order. Since we love the Riverwalk and being able to comfortably walk around a downtown, we decided that would be a great destination for us.

Our plans to start off with tubing on the Comal River — at 3 miles long, the shortest in Texas — were foiled by the recent flooding in New Braunfels. We instead spent the day lounging about the hotel, enjoying some terrific food, and walking the Riverwalk with Adam, my stepbrother, and his wife Celeste. Since we rarely have opportunity to spend time without a juvenile escort from one side or the other, it was a rare treat to simply meander about and have conversations with actual pauses.

I had an idea that on Saturday we should do something truly grand. We started with a game of Carcassonne, got some mexican pastries and a huge glass of horchata to share (yum!), chatted with a photographer we met, did a little shopping for gifts for the kid, and then went back and took a nap. Given how much we have going on around the house most days, the luxury of being able to have a snooze at the same time was a nearly unprecedented delight.

We ate some more wonderful food that afternoon, went out to Mission Concepción for a bit, and then prowled the Riverwalk some more, reveling in the unhurried pace and the chance to soak in each other’s company at length.

Sunday saw us heading for St. Thomas Episcopal Church for a Jazz Mass service, at which our friends Barry Brake, Darren Kuper, and Greg Norris (a.k.a. The Jazz Protagonists) provided the music. We were delighted to also bump into Paul Soupiset and Jason and Erin Young, who had come down for the mass as well. The service was terrific, the music both organic to the service and thoroughly delightful. We afterwards enjoyed the afternoon with the Youngs, Barry and his wife Catherine, with a too-brief stop to visit my dad, my step-mom, and my sister Meara before finally heading back home for a happy reunion with the kiddos.

Our excellent, unhurried, relaxed weekend, full of good friends, good food, and beautiful places was just what we needed. Many thanks to all with whom we got to visit over the weekend, and especially our dear friends who were gracious to take good care of our spawn while we were gone: Faith, my Mom, Steven & Christina, and Sam & Alba. You guys are great, and we deeply appreciate the generosity and love you showed us and our young ones.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-08

  • Does the fact that I loved "Hot Tub Time Machine" make me a horrible person? I'm pretty sure it does. #fb #
  • Last Day of the School Year! (And Liam's last day in Elementary. And Abigail's last day in Middle School.) Hooray summer! #fb #
  • Hooray! The iPhone App we've been building at work is finally in the App Store! http://blitl.us/tsuiphone #fb #
  • Watching dramatic TV makes me want to end every sentance I say, no matter how banal, with "…before it's too late!" #fb #
  • Daily Shoot: Getting Around Town @dailyshoot #ds198 http://flic.kr/p/88jSZG #

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Texas State iPhone App Released

At long last, the official Texas State University iPhone App is released!

The team brainstormed and prototyped the original version as a learning exercise at the beginning of the year, but once Marketing got wind of it, it quickly became a high-priority project. I’m really proud of my crew, who have all stepped up and contributed design ideas and code to the final product, which turned out really well.

We have some ideas for improving it going forward, and have plans to create an Android version as well, but are, for now, just delighted to finally have it out there in the world!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-01

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-25

  • Yay! My lovely bride is back from her 5 day sojourn in the far country of New York, where she had a really good visit with family. #fb #
  • Liam, who has been complaining that "it feels like I swallowed a slug", has strep. (He succumbed to immunological peer pressure.) #fb #
  • Hey, our Emily is in the paper! http://www.newstreamz.com/2010/05/20/smhs-artists-have-successful-spring/ Good job, sweetie! #fb #
  • A University campus between semesters has something of a graveyard's rich, full stillness to it. I do enjoy these academic lulls. #fb #
  • Kathy's hibiscus in magnificent and frequent bloom. Makes me want more of them! http://twitpic.com/1q0lsu #
  • Appropriate that they chose a mascot with a notoriously nasty spitting habit. http://twitpic.com/1q54g6 #
  • Just ordered a Lumix DMC-FZ35. Super-jazzed to finally be getting a more flexible camera. (Prepare to suffer through lots of pics!) #fb #
  • The squirrels on campus ae exceptionally friendly this morning. http://twitpic.com/1qmjyt #
  • Daily Shoot: Purple Library Bookshelves. #ds190 http://twitpic.com/1qr5sr #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-18

  • At Abigail's Spring Dance Show. Go Abby! Woo! http://twitpic.com/1n1mcb #
  • Today is our Emily's 18th birthday. Hope you have a great one, beloved daughter! #fb #
  • Spousal Burrito Delivery FTW! Thanks, sweetheart. #fb #
  • The cactus are in bloom again here in Texas. Beautiful time of year. http://twitpic.com/1niqs4 #
  • More spring loveliness! http://twitpic.com/1o3r13 #
  • Finally some peace and quiet! http://twitpic.com/1oewsk #
  • Funny thing: whenever there are fewer parents than usual at our house, we seem to end up with more kids than usual. Mmmm, tasty irony. #fb #
  • Fuji, McIntosh, Rome Beauty, Pippin, Red Delicious, you are all dead to me. Granny Smith is the One True Apple. #fb #
  • The best part? There really is an active Unicycle Football League in San Marcos. http://twitpic.com/1oq4hw #
  • My 9 year old is doing an impression of a dalek by putting a trash can on her head and shouting "Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!" I'm so proud … #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-11

  • Nice thing about Unix: Everything I want to do, someone has already thought of. Tonight I learned about the "watch" command. #
  • Just bought a new-to-us trampoline. Our yard doesn't feel naked anymore! #fb #
  • Human Hamster Balls at Crockett Carnival. http://twitpic.com/1lviin #
  • The ATM's of the world are clearly conspiring against me. #fb #
  • Komodo Dragon and its paparazzi. http://twitpic.com/1mihcr #
  • You should have seen the size of that caterpillar! http://twitpic.com/1miiss #
  • In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love. -Mother Teresa #fb #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-04

  • http://twitpic.com/1izol5 – This makes me happy. Unfortunately I ran out this morning. #
  • Dad Update: He can start using both legs today! I expect crutches will be a fact of life for a while yet, but it beats the wheelchair! #fb #
  • http://twitpic.com/1j75e3 – My industrious bride at work scraping and painting the eaves. #
  • Cryptography makes my brain hurt. Owwwwww. #fb #
  • Just ditched my for-pay map and loaded up my Garmin Nüvi with data from OpenStreetMap. Very cool to see my data on my GPS. #fb #
  • Taking the day off. Beautiful morning at Spring Lake. http://twitpic.com/1jnj9l #
  • Given that dogs eat anything, logic says that it should have come as no surprise when ours ate a tarantula. And yet, I was surprised. #fb #
  • Liam and his buddy Ryan have started making videos and posting them on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritman110 #fb #
  • We saw a Herbie the Love Bug impersonator driving around San Antonio! http://twitpic.com/1kf5h1 #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-27

  • http://twitpic.com/1h4s3m – More poetry found in the nooks and crannies of Alkek library today. #
  • http://twitpic.com/1hdtiw – At Emily's culinary class dinner. Yum! (She did the centerpiece veggies.) #
  • Just got my first issue of Make Magazine. Squeeeee! #fb #
  • Grocery run, paid bills, took Maggie out for parent time, now off to the river. Our days off don't feel especially relaxing. #fb #
  • It's hard to sneeze without firing the Altoid you're sucking on at high speed into the back of your coworkers' head. #fb #
  • The Friday Night Lights crew is filming in our building today. It sounds cool, but it's mostly kind of a pain. #fb #
  • Out: lunch. Gato meeting is cancelled due to football players. #
  • http://twitpic.com/1iulu6 – Playing Robin Hood in the backyard. #

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More Good Thoughts on Games and Work

I wrote a piece about a year ago called Workplace Motivation and Game Mechanics which summed up some of my ideas for bringing some of the compelling character of video games to the office. Since then, some much smarter people have been doing some thinking and experimenting with similar ideas.

Jane McGonigal gave a terrific talk at TED called “Gaming Can Make a Better World”. It’s well worth the 20 minutes it takes to watch:

Additionally, I’ve started reading Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete. It covers the authors’ experiences in this area, starting with poolside conversations and ending up with forming a company around these ideas. It’s a good read so far.

Based on these, it looks like the invasion of games into the workplace has the potential to create some important productivity gains and is already underway. It should be fun to see what the next decade brings.