Good Software, Good Cause

My friend and former employer Seth Dillingham rides every year in the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge, a bicycle event that raises money for cancer research. Seth is very committed to this cause, and this year has assembled some terrific bundles of software that he’s currently auctioning on eBay.

The discs feature a smorgasbord of applications, ranging from games to Internet utilities to time tracking and billing utilities, the creators of which have generously donated them to the cause. There are discs for both Mac and PC, so fly, my pretties, and bid, bid like the wind!

UPDATE: If you’d like to help promote Seth’s auctions using a red stripe ad like the one I’ve placed in the upper-right corner of my site, include the following lines of HTML in your site. (Make sure they’re outside of any tables or anything else that would force the position to change.)

<div style="position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px; align: right; width: 166px; z-index: 1000;">
<a href=""><img style="border-width: 0px;" src=""></a>

UPDATE 2: I’ve tweaked the above HTML just a bit.