Since the new church started, I’ve been putting together the lyrics for the music in PowerPoint so that the congragation can read them and sing along. However, PowerPoint is definitely not designed with that job in mind, and while it can do it, it does so clumsily and with a fair bit of effort.
So, as a programmer, what’s the natural thing to do? Write a new software package, of course! I’ve been working on Oratorio for a month or two now, and finally pressed it into service this past Sunday, when it worked like a champ. It’s still not ready to be turned loose on the world at large, but it is getting to the point where it’s useful, and having a few more eyes on it would be welcome. So, if any of you are interested in testing it out, let me know what kind of system you’d be using it on, and I’ll let you know where to download a beta. I’m building it for both Macintosh and Windows, with interoperability in mind, and would welcome feedback from either side of the fence.