- Seth Dillingham is my former boss from my time at Macrobyte Resources. I count the time there among the best employment situations I’ve enjoyed, due in large measure to Seth’s leadership of the business. He manages to combine extreme depth of programming knowledge with good managerial skills in a way that’s far too uncommon in the technical world. He’s a great programmer (I’ve looked at a lot of his code!), and shines even more when put in a position where he can combine those skills with his abilities as a manager.
Seth is currently looking for new work. His resume is here. He currently lives in Mystic, Connecticut.
- Seth Goldberg is my former coworker at Electronic Arts. He and I worked side by side on the Broadvision/ClearCommerce based billing system there. Seth was one of the hardest workers I’ve ever been on a team with, and made phenomenal strides toward stabilizing a billing system that was buggy and had been neglected for a long time before we were hired. He’s also a very talented musician, and plays and spins as Ketadream.
Seth is also currently looking for work, and can be contacted at ketadream@ketadream.com. He lives in Austin, Texas.