This past weekend was a nice one, not least of all because I got to do some catching up with a couple of old friends from the high school era. My friend Rebecca Keffer (formerly Scott), her husband Chuck, and their handsome boxer dogs joined us for a thoroughly enjoyable lunch on Sunday after church. We talked pretty much nonstop for the entire afternoon, alternating between the dining room, living room, and the backyard. The kids enjoyed the dogs immensely, who, though they outweighed the children by a fair bit, were remarkably gentle and pleasant with them.
On Saturday, I also got to see my friend Chris Taylor do a show at the local outlet mall. He’s been performing as long as I’ve known him, and has in recent years started to get a fair bit of critical acclaim. Since we hadn’t seen each other for the better part of a decade, it was great to get back in touch and catch up a bit on what each of us has been up to, both personally and musically.